View Azalea

R. calendulaceum, Pottertown-Gap [Species]

Cultivar: Group: Color: Blooms: Type: Reg Ref:
R. calendulaceum, Pottertown-Gap Species Deciduous
Height: Width: Hardy: Other Name(s): Seed Parent: Pollen Parent:
5’ -25 F
5’, upright to spreading. Flowers often bicolor, some dark orange, others a nice yellow. William Bartram, the 18th-century plant explorer, in his book referred to this deciduous azalea as the "sky paint flower" of the Cherokees, so colorful are the blooms. Single, funnel shape, ½-2 ½”, in trusses of 5-7. Blooms late mid to late season. Flowers open with or after the leaves. Leaf shape: broadly elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or oblong-ovate, both sides with fine short hairs, medium in size. Tetraploid; difficult to propagate from cuttings, but easily raised from seed. Hardy to -25 F. Seed collected from R calendulaceum on Pottertown Gap.